The Headless Corpse of Roger W

Also, full episodes on Youtube in sub and dub and for free, through Funimation.

At least Reiser had that Larry David cameo to keep the first episode afloat… for 5 seconds.

Just to clarify all this:

I didn't avoid directly responding to Monkeylint because I thought he (?) was disagreeing with me. He is talking about his individual experience and how the common societal assumption falls short of preparing him for it. I was talking about how the common societal assumption does a disservice to individual experience.

Blurgh. Sorry I missed this reply. But if it means anything anymore, here:

With all due respect, these replies completely illustrate my point. When I said adult, you (combined) shot back with: turning 18, getting married, getting a real job, having a mortgage, and having a kid.

"life is marriage, kids and death"

Just saw the movie about an hour ago, and I think the dude behind the restaurant is a manifestation of Diane's failure / drug problem. The key line is Phil from Lost saying "he's making all of this happen" or something. And the box… idunno, happiness?

To be fair, that full on Lady Macbeth routine was one of the most rational moments this season. Almost dying justifies her mood, and I'm just glad somebody finally called them on that well bullshit.

Not a bad thought, and (VAGUELY SPOILERISH) characters have done that in the comic - but they'd have to square that with the herd from the season premiere.

A really important difference between the two, though: in Omelas a group inflicted suffering on an individual, in Angel possibly-insane individuals allow their own death. Everyone's mortal, it's a fact of life Jasmine couldn't (or wouldn't) change. Would the people who died be any better off at the end, in the real

I've said it before: I seriously think Angel season 5 rivals Firefly as Whedon's best.

That's a fair point. And I've made a mistake. When I say good and evil are kinda bullshit, I mean in terms of character actions, like choosing whether or not to end world peace. Not to say that they can't exist at all.


It is, and on more than one occasion Joss has pointed to Existential philosophy/philosopers as a huge inspiration. I guess I'm just saying that the philosophy has never been as black and white as on, say, Buffy.

Isn't the whole point of the philosophy presented throughout Angel that "good" and "evil" labels are arbitrary and, ultimately, kinda bullshit? Though, that does make me wonder why they fell for that line so easily…

@avclub-eb51727cd6e697842c08dd7b4112c71e:disqus : New?

Even Alan Moore spit out by-the-numbers crap when he was taking a paycheck from Image in the '90s. Artists like to eat every once in a while.

Fun Fact: Ben Edlund is actually responsible for Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick meeting each other, and they wrote the first episodes on his home PC when one (I think Jackson) was staying in his guest room.