The Headless Corpse of Roger W

"Adios, you Celtic Tampon!"

A very pointed line, that I think not enough people pay attention to, that the… uh, Bug Guy utters when he first encounters Angel: "she was ours first."

Because band-aids aren't very good at stopping arterial bleeding.

I enjoyed Caleb just because it was great to see Fillion get some work after the way Firefly was handled and sneering over-the-top villains have a certain kind of charm (like you said, Russell Edgington).

Well, for a long time Sophist was unregistered. Could that have something to do with it?

I always remember him as the shady pawn broker in the Crow, because I was apparently a gothy nine year-old.


Okay, this is a week late, but I have to say that I really want this to happen. Having the family succumb to the house's influence would be a perfect way to end the season

Also, streaking.

Also, it was an early instance of Stan's depression.

Even in-universe Skip's speech doesn't make sense. The audience has been shown multiple gods/powers/players over the course of both shows each with their own agendas. He's basically claiming that the plans of the First are the plans of Jasmine are the plans of any other power you care to name.


That happened already and it was called "Raisins." People seemed to enjoy it.

Anyone who listens to a child's crying with understanding will know that psychic forces, terrible forces, sleep within it, different from anything commonly assumed: profound rage and pain and lust for destruction.

Honestly, now that I think about it, I really would have liked that storyline.

I thought the whole point of Evil Cordelia was

We did. That's the reason the do not disturb sign was there, to mark the room for the viewers - I'm pretty sure they didn't show the room number when they revealed little Amy was in a room.

There's too much white guy ironic-rapping (ironic white-guy-rapping?) in Burnham's act for him to be ripping off only Demetri Martin.

No, you're thinking of early torchwood episodes.