The Headless Corpse of Roger W

I'd agreeā€¦ but I liked the terrible comedy.


Any episode that has a scene in front of a very large crowd will almost inevitably feature an effeminate guy who makes a sassy comment. That's Randy.

Yeah, but actually seeing that would be so much better than just having to assume it happened off-screen.

I actually really liked this one, more so than the last few episodes. Though I wanted a lot more of God!Bender. This might have worked better as a movie than, well, most of the movies.

I didn't even know that guy had a name until this episode. Or that he was all the same guy.

River also made a comment along the lines of "the last time I did this, I ended up a little girl in new york" when regenerating. Pretty sure that was a reference to the last scene involving the space-suit girl last half-season, confirming they're one and the same.

TechTV didn't get rebranded, G4 was already a maxim knockoff (for gamerz!) when it decided to eat TechTV. If you look at their evolving logos you can see how G4 slowly absorbed TechTV like an amoeba.

You guys are also totally forgetting that Faith had a watcher. Kakistos killing him/her was what drove Faith to Sunnydale in the first place. Until season 7, Buffy was the only anomaly.

Another bit of possible foreshadowing: Ned's first scene is the execution of the deserter from the wall.

Basically the same experience as Jon above - except with the ASoIF wiki, not a review.

Since the books for ASoIF have been release for the past fifteen years, it's been almost impossible for me to not absorb something about them through cultural osmosis.

Yeah that was a problem, even back in the Davies/Tennant era (I think Eccleston at least had angst over the slaughter he committed). I'm pretty sure the Pandorica and its description of holding a vast, unstoppable evil was deliberately pointing that out. Shame, they haven't decided to course correct anytime soon.

@Fixda: Yeah, I think the Silence weren't actually the villains. After all "the Silence will fall" is supposed to be a bad thing, and it's exactly what the Doctor accomplished after DotM.

The Ganger aren't human, they're alive and conscious. On the same level as humanity because of the programming, but not the same thing. Though they muddled that point by the end.

N-thing Paranoia Agent and Evangelion.


I'll always remember him as a one-eyed, reality-hopping assassin - 'cause I was one of the three people that liked Last Action Hero when I was a kid.

Not mentioned yet: The two people Arya overheard in the dungeon a couple of episodes ago, talking about the Starks and Lannisters going to war, were clearly Varys and the bearded guy who arranged the nuptials for Dany and Drago.
