The Headless Corpse of Roger W

@scotteb: Scary gray men in suits with a sound-based theme. The broad strokes are really similar, though the execution is totally unique so far.

The massive orange racing stripes haven't gotten much of a mention. They were my tip-off.

I'm thinking the Frenchman (Quebecois?) was the cinematographer. Only thing I can come up with.

"original… 'Bladerunner'"

@Kidhaver: Ellegua is basically the Yoruba equivalent of Papa Legba in Haitian voodoo (Vodou), and Legba controls the doorway to spirits called the Loa. They screwed up a bit, but it still makes sense.

I'd watch the shit out of that show, Fruity Bob.

… because their ears… are their genitals?

@Chip Whittle: By that logic, the Dickens episode should have made the Christie episode redundant. I say Doyle deserves a pop at one of the aliens that were evidently around every corner in Victorian London.

There's also the great in-joke of those being essentially the same movie: John Carpenter has frequently said his inspiration for Assault on Precinct 13 was to transplant the plot of Rio Bravo into a city.

Nope, that totally happened. One of the many reasons the Clone Saga is so reviled.

So, what, no philosophy majors?

On at least one occasion it's been said that House being the expert he is is a deliberate effort to allow him to dispense with any kind of social nicety. I wish they'd be that honest on the police procedurals.

Let alone a famous movie director with a wife and daughter.

New ideas are hard, you guys. You have to think and stuff.

This is for Zack too:

Fun Fact: Gondry has led a double life being the director of super slick, Michael Bay derived commercials. So, the Green Hornet is actually closer to the rest of his career than his indie flicks have been.

I thought the complaint that everyone's having, about Buscemi's lack of mob boss gravitas, was the intention of the character. That was the whole point of the "half a gangster" line in the pilot.

@Flaubert: Treants love them some girly mags.

Powdered opium. We're talking about Victorian England after all.

@ n. hamilton- While I love the reference. you misspelled Rabban.