
The Cultist Prom that Joe, Emma, and Mandy went to at the end of the episode was amazing. (And by "amazing", I mean stupid.) It was definitely better than my high school prom, though.

Ok, I'm 50 minutes into this movie, and I had to stop it for a second so I could say: The guy who's supposedly filming the whole thing is THE worst. Why would anyone write a script in which the protagonist is a terrible douche who never shuts up? It's been almost an hour of this guy making really dumb jokes and

Wasn't the inspiration for Holmes an early "detective" named Eugene Vidocq?

Some of the best "Classic Poe!" moments of this episode included:

And those were her last words…

Early on, there was a flashback to Hardy talking with Joe when he was first trying to find the killer. I thought that had the potential to be interesting: How did Hardy catch Joe in the first place? They could tell the story bit by bit, through flashbacks in each episode, expanding on Hardy's relationship with Joe and

It certainly isn't getting in on the strength of its application essays.

Every week, as I watch The Following sober, I think about making a drinking game for this show. And then, after about ten more minutes, I realize I'd die from alcohol poisoning.

Not killing him last week was stupid. Failing again this time was unforgivable. This woman is supposed to be intelligent enough to have obtained a PhD. and a secure teaching position at a good college, yet she consistently makes the worst decisions possible. It's amazing.

"If I read Joe’s epic novel about Ryan and it ended with 'then his
neighbor killed her!' I’d throw it into the garbage immediately. Talk
about anti-climax."