Joey C.

Their villainy is only trumped by their incompetence. After all, they were defeated by Moe wielding a board with a nail in it.

Glee gets included?

You mean like viewing the episode through the prism of socialism, whereby Ms. Botz represents the oppressive corporate overlord that uses absolute authority and mindless distraction (vis-a-vis The Happy Little Elves) to pacify the uneducated masses while she/it robs them blind of even their most meager possessions,

Been great so far, better stuff yet to come.

This one has some truly awful animation. Some of the weird background coloration was still used, too. I didn't really notice the lack of quality as a kid, but that's probably because I was too busy being all like, "LOLZ, Bart crushed the babysitter's skull with a bat."


"Read your town charter, boy. 'If foodstuffs should touch the ground, said foodstuffs shall be turned over to the village idiot.' Since I don't see him around, start shovelin'!"


That is some scathing shit.

Ditto on a lot of high school kids missing the point. This movie is (or was at the time) wildly popular in southern Idaho. Most of the kids I knew who were way into it weren't exactly film buffs.

The dinner "conversation"
Just makes me wish there was a character there who wasn't so cowed by Derek's fast-talking bullshit that they might call him out for his contradictory rhetoric.

Great Marge Moment:

I— he—

Oh, hey, sparse instrumentation and a female vocalist. So I'm guessing you think the Sneaker Pimps are fuckin' tiiiiiiiiight.

I thought Ghostubsters was the best movie ever when I was 7
I knew Ghostbusters was the best movie ever when I was 15 after viewing it in a whole new light. It wasn't about proton packs and Slimer anymore; it was about how it was easily 1 of the 3 or 4 funniest movies I'd ever seen. And that figure stands today.

How much of the "Eliza suxx at acting" theory comes from the fact that Echo by virtue of the character's role has the least amount of opportunities to show some chops?


Y'all're too dismissive
The Foos get knocked by hipsters for not doing enough overwrought navel-gazing. Me, I like a little of that from time to time. But when the situation calls for straight-ahead no-frills rock it's hard to argue with putting on the Foo Fighters. Especially the first 2 albums and the first half

Is the irony here…
… that Kurt Cobain is in a game called Guitar Hero when he was maybe more of a songwriting hero? Or is it that Courtney Love thinks she has any integrity left to defend?