Evil Abed

One thing I like about this show is it doesn't pull it's punches; no shooting the ground A-Team/Burn Notice style, instead it has a head shot to a guy holding a baby, and then the baby is locked in a freezer. It keeps tension when the stakes are always high.

Interesting you should mention the different nature of the questions. I'll just say that, over two different questions on the games I saw, one correct answer was "porn" and on the other was "vagina."

I watched a couple of Family Fueds the other day and both times the African-American families lost with 0 points. That made me wonder, do minorities have a disadvantage on the Fued? For example, one of the categories was "fried things to eat at the county fair" and the black southern family was striking out with

That just means it wasn't a Lost reference even when it was on Lost.

Did you really just call "42" a Lost reference? Seriously? It's the ANSWER to Life, the Universe, and Everything, not a stinkin' Lost reference!

I loved all the quick throwaways:
Lutz stacking papers when being interviewed (such a perfectly undersold Law and Order spoof)

I am SO going to wear yellow and blue next Wednesday!

We made it to the best timeline!

My wife is from NYC and wouldn't stop talking about how great the pizza was. We finally went together on a trip and we went to 4 different places. Every time I said "what's so great about this?" and she said "well, this isn't 'real' New York pizza." Turns out, New York Pizza only applied to a single location, the

Is that what that was? I didn't know what that meant.

No mention of Buscemi's returning cameo, who pulled some old police connections to get Jack a post-mugging pamphlet?

Didn't the DVD already have a clean dub track included? If I recall, it was the standard "freaking" this and that but with the actual actors instead of cheap replacements.

My cool story: I once ate fresh caught raccoon roasted over a spit on a Mexican beach (I didn't catch it, me and a friend were with some locals). It was pretty good.

See, everyone keeps making that comparison like it's a bad thing, but I would never, ever want to watch Dances With Wolves again without flying dragons and mechs shooting at each other, the way God intended.

Yes, you should love B5, especially if you liked DS9 (Y'know, since they started ripping off B5 wholesale toward the end).

I'm sure some of us already do.

Where do you get your cable from? Mine is $98 with HBO.

Maybe if it was an actual fight between hawks and penguins… Yeah, then I would watch.

Have the TV rights to "Will it Blend?" been picked up yet?

What an odd personal crusade. But consider me your first forced convert.