Tiny Joseph

The use of "Don't Stop Believing" to end the Sopranos is the first and only time where the use of a song in a TV show (or film) completely changed how I viewed a particular song. I never gave the song a second thought beyond being a throwaway cheesy 80's pop song. The way it plays over that scene and how

I'm convinced the writers of Family Guy are now simply running on some kind of odd Andy Kaufman-esque idea of seeing how incredibly bad they can make a show, then laughing hysterically as they read posts of people defending the excrement they purposely throw on the screen as actually still funny.

Venture Bros. Movie
As much as I liked the thought of a movie before, I'm always a little apprehensive about them for this type of show. What translates well in a 30 minute episode doesn not always work well over 90 plus minutes of sustained plot and story.

Okay, I'm not going through all 7 pages of these posts. so forgive me if this has been mentioned, and absolutely nothing against The Who, but you eliminated bands who had too many instrumentals in their catalogs. Just off the top of my head with The Who: The Ox, Cobwebs and Strange, Overture, Sparks, Underture, and


Incredible Episode
Doe and Cardholder being direct riffs on Barton Fink was utter brilliance and this episode had easily two of Season 3's best lines:

Colonel Gentleman
I don't know why everybody is so startled by the "gay" angle of this season. There has been a just tremendous amount of underlying "gay" jokes from the very beginning of this show… even Brock has some decidedly effeminate moments and he's depicted as the most masculine guy on the show. The Monarch