No Self

Don't forget Bored To Death!


That's very silly.

Oh wow, I had no idea. I suppose I should've at least listened to the first one for some perspective, but right when I bought the premium access I went straight for Norm McDonald.

I've only recently (last few months) gotten into WTF, and bought the 6 month subscription and have been exploring the back catalog with people I like, but from the 25+ or so I've listened to I don't get the sense he's a misanthrope. Is that more what his stand-up schtick is? I don't know anything else about him

I'm a pretty big Fed fan, so I'm leaning the other way. Though I do like narratives, so had Murray still been searching for his Wimbledon I'd probably be pulling for him a bit, but he's got the Olympic gold (at Centre Court, no less) and the Wimbledon from the following year, so that allows me to pretty much root for

Is he? I can't really speak for people's off the court lives, though I know Federer is usually pretty well regarded as a good family dude, and it looks like Djoker is headed on that trajectory as well.

I think it's one of the (many) reasons I love Amadeus. God that would've been a trainwreck if they had Hulce attempt an Austrian accent, and likewise for Emperor Ed Rooney and even Abraham, who I think did sort of an Italian one but it certainly wasn't "It's a ME - MARIO!" level.

Yeah but Murray is kind of a shit, too.

I always liked the song and the album, but it wasn't until some random Amtrak trip where I was zoning out that Hopeless really clicked into place for me, where just all the instruments were detectable on the headphones and the wordplay in that song is pretty wonderful and it's all quite lyric. And i wasn't even

Yeah but how long can those commercials take to film, a day each? And you would think (I haven't seen all the sequels, so I could be wrong) all his non-Avengers appearances also tend to be short clips, so I don't think that stuff is taking over his life even though we're inundated with him (which I'm ok with).

I think Garret Hedlund is a cut above the guys you listed, but I can't prove this.

Yeah most of the big composers get into serious comfort zones (e.g. several tracks from Hans Zimmer's "Inception" score are pretty damn close to identical to "The Thin Red Line" ones), but now and again they mix it up. Sticking with Zimmer, I thought his "Interstellar" score was his best in some time and nicely

Oh true I forgot about (and admittedly haven't read) Brief Interviews.

I actually kind of loved the fractured bit of the Pale King. Reading that, and his essays, you get the sense he could have been a devastating short story writer if him/his editor really worked to keep things tight.

Wasn't there a show called ToddTV where you met some guy who was just drifting through life and his girlfriend was on her last straw and I can't remember the exact concept but he had a few weeks or months to get his act together (I think they gave him stuff like clothes and electronics) and then the viewers voted on

That dog just ain't gonna hunt.

I love that "They Came Together" is in this picture. Granted I was reasonably impaired, but it's the most I've laughed at a movie in I don't know how long, maybe "Superbad"?

I'm guessing "The Hunt" and "Melancholia"?

I'm excited to hear the Joy Division cover. Hot Chip did a "Transmission" cover for some benefit album years back and it was definitely a departure from the original (i remember steel drums I think), but at least that proves there's a broad spectrum with which to make that song work. Probably because it's an awesome