No Self

Ignatius J. Reilly

Start with "Cobra" and you're halfway there.

I got a double VHS edition of Titanic one year around Thanksgiving because my mom and I spent over whatever the local supermarket's threshold was. We also got a free turkey. Both underwhelmed.

I mean he's great in Right Stuff, but it's so hard to pick a best that isn't Sam Shepard. Though on any given viewing I might like Quaid or Ward the most. What an awesome movie. I don't think they're particularly similar, but "Interstellar" kind of gave me a similar vibe in that a studio gave a guy quite a bit of

Got it. Well thanks anyways. And I assume it shows you what it chose and you have to confirm first? I really need something that completely takes decision making out of my hands.

That's for Netflix though? If so, on what screen do you see it? I use Apple TV mostly, perhaps it's just a PS4 deal?

I actually get lost in Netflix. Even my streaming queue is somewhere in the 130s or so and that overwhelms me. If there was a "roll the dice" option for Netflix I'd do that all the time, just let the service pick something from my list for me. It'd save me quite a bit of time of indecision and in some cases just

This sounds awesome. And I am sure to have some very weird filtered searches.

In the last two years or so I got around to most of the "In Cold Blood" stuff out there (book, movie, 'Capote" and "Infamous"). I saw the 60s movie last and while I had been entertained by Capote and Infamous, I didn't realize how much of the style and storytelling they had taken from the movie. And obviously, the

So he's the Andy Reid of screenplays then. First 3/4 is solid, and then just mind-bogglingly stupid decisions down the home stretch.

Yup, as a history minor and fan of other po-mo stuff, when I first learned about him and his style I thought for sure he'd quickly become my favorite author and…4 books later, I think I'm calling it quits. There are sentences and paragraphs which pop up that are insanely beautiful and imaginative, but the act of

I wonder if "Moneyball" was close to making the cut? That year, I think the only movies I maybe liked more were Drive and Tinker Tailor, and even then it would change on a given day. Granted, I'm a huge baseball fan, but even strictly from a filmmaking point of view that movie is great.

Oh I'm prone to my fair share of cynicism, but being frustrated that a huge playlist someone else put together doesn't have a couple of (admittedly awesome) songs is like complaining that your free ice cream is too cold. Yeah, you can do it, but everyone's going to roll their eyes.

Ah, got it - I don't have spotify on my work comp, so I was just going by the listing here. Well yeah, that's too bad, but it still seems to be a pretty cool playlist some stranger put out for free, so hard to complain!

The Who seems to be there.

Which are those?

If so, it's called Everyone.

Pretty ridiculous filmography considering no one has mentioned Fargo, Big Lebowski or No Country.

It's definitely a taste thing, but while I really like The Master, Inherent Vice did nothing for me. It came off as just costumes and Neil Young, kind of strangely pointless. I'll probably give it another go at some juncture, but I'm not chomping at the bit to do so.

Right. The Game is stupid but pretty fun, Panic Room is also stupid but rather unenjoyable. And Ben Button is just…why the hell did he do that?