No Self

Common People is a little bit more obviously angry, though still incredibly poppy.  Disco 2000, however, could definitely be confused for a happy-reunion type of song for people not paying more attention to the lyrics.  Although, as someone above says, despite it being fairly melancholy there's a sliver of hope; the

Common People is a little bit more obviously angry, though still incredibly poppy.  Disco 2000, however, could definitely be confused for a happy-reunion type of song for people not paying more attention to the lyrics.  Although, as someone above says, despite it being fairly melancholy there's a sliver of hope; the

So many Of Montreal songs, and my favorites on "Hissing Fauna" (A Sentence of Sorts, She's a Rejecter, Gronlandic Edit, …) have, if not always bouncy tunes, as is the case with Rejecter, at least propulsive ones.  Their songs tend to be so shimmery that really dark, sad lyrics are disguised.

So many Of Montreal songs, and my favorites on "Hissing Fauna" (A Sentence of Sorts, She's a Rejecter, Gronlandic Edit, …) have, if not always bouncy tunes, as is the case with Rejecter, at least propulsive ones.  Their songs tend to be so shimmery that really dark, sad lyrics are disguised.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus I don't necessarily regret watching Eraserhead, and I think there's an AVC Inventory on movies you can't endure more than once, which is where I'd place this.  I appreciate the atmosphere and style and all that, but it's so unnerving I really did not enjoy the

I'm very glad I watched Mulholland Dr. before this; had this been my introduction to Lynch I don't think anyone could have convinced me to try another helping, which obviously would have kept me (and anyone else similarly dissuaded) from the best parts of his filmography.

Can this be a weekly trend, contrasting the success of recent movies to obscure movies from twenty years ago?  I would like that.

I'd say the interrogation with Pearce going room to room and manipulating who hears what to coerce confessions and information qualifies as iconic.  If not iconic, at least incredibly well executed.

@bakana42:disqus That's a good theory.  It might also have something to do with the overall quality of the movies being released and pressed, or people's idea of the quality.  Almost all of the Avengers movies have high RT %'s, and Avengers was no exception.  I saw all of them, and was mostly pleased with each

Man I hope that actually happened.

Does he say suffering? I thought it's punishment. 

Please tell me that's a reference to the little kid from the trailer from the Blind Side. 

The review mentions Errol Morris, and maybe that got me thinking, but this would be an interesting companion piece for a double feature with "The Thin Blue Line".  Because of, among other things, the sensibilities of the town and kind of the incongruity between the facts of what happened and what they (the

I don't know if it's the right time of day for it or what, but I laughed so hard at this.  Thank you, @avclub-2bc89f96d5af36cd7c598b934297491f:disqus . I imagine the "Could be" being uttered in a later-period De Niro type way, shoulders hunched, as the cab drives off on a rainy night.

I remember first hearing "Down Under" in a music class in like 6th or 7th grade, and the whole class requested after it ended to hear it again, and our teacher surprisingly obliged.  I have liked the song a great deal ever since.  Sad to hear these developments more or less destroyed this guy's latter years.

Former A's / current Red Sox oft-injured relief pitcher Andrew Bailey?

And Michael Fassbender.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus I know he's in the last episode, "Points", right before the German Colonel gives his concession speech to his men, he walks by and Winters pretty much calls him out and makes him salute since he (Winters) is now a Major and Schwimmer's still a Captain.

Does that mean Hugh Everett resuscitated them?

I can't handle that.  I am dying in my cube listening, I have to turn it off after 15 seconds every time.  Then I go back, thinking I have built up the fortitude, and the first bit of noise I hear sets me off, he sounds like a Jewish cat purring on a sofa or something, it's too much.