No Self

The football player running in place is something the Simpsons would come up with to poke fun at David Lynch, I love that he just threw that in for its own sake.

Yup, people who watch a show and don't feel compelled to read the 7-or-so book series it's based on are also wildly ignorant of political and governmental issues, it's a rule.

I don't know if they qualify as "epics", or even are all that historical, but I'd suggest Apocalypto as an example (I haven't even seen it, but it seemed pretty interested, from what I've read, with cultural / language accuracy, and it made a boatload of $ I think).  Beyond that, yeah, even honest attempts at making

Robin Hood is terrible.  If you want to hear Russell Crowe speak in an inexplicably Irish accent for two hours, then, in the final battle, miraculously alternate between being on a beach and the cliff hundreds of meters above the beach, have at it.  I'd say there's plenty else in your queue you should watch before

He is supremely creepy in that.

Pretty much all the avengers movies have slumming, solid actors (Downey, Cheadle, Rourke, Skarsgard, Norton/Ruffalo, Portman, Tucci), but they still managed to make strong movies with them.  They have cool source material to pull from, but Greek mythology is awesome.  I know Hollywood blows, but you're putting in

Seriously, it's like he was being punished for something and locked all his charisma away for a few years, and has since cleaned up handsomely.  And my god, is that man handsome. 

quo vadimus

Sorry to hear that.

I hope his stuff from the The Thin Blue Line gets worked over, that score is pretty great.

It might be in the "kiddie" department of badassery, but "Attack the Block" was pretty damn awesome and surprisingly violent.  What a fun movie.


Tim Riggins is used to taking the fall.  Something tells me he'll keep his head low, have a few porch beers when he's let out and smolder, smolder, smolder.

And maybe Casey Jones will be an ultimate fighter instead, and triangle choke foot clan while spouting off Dane Cook non sequiturs. 

Actually, I don't think there is any ambiguity with the ending of Cast Away.  After he leaves Helen Hunt, there's that scene where he explains having contemplated suicide, and what got him through that time was the package he was going to deliver (that and his wife).  With the wife situation essentially reconciled,

Empire is usually the common one for people, but the saber battle in 'Jedi' always chokes me up.  That chanting music swells and Luke just loses his shit when Vader starts taunting him about going after Leia and he goes into protective brother mode, you actually feel bad for Vader when Luke is slamming away at him

I know why.  "You are what you love, not what loves you" is the thesis of the movie and it's an emotional killer.  Charlie gives Donald the reverence he had never given him for his whole life and he dies like 10 minutes later, Susan crying and cradling LaRoche is extremely sad, Charlie's tearful call home to his mom,

I thought the same thing when the taxi went into the water.  I guess they can explain away by giving him a thorough physical that CRS knew Douglas wouldn't hyperventilate or lose his mind and actually drown or anything, or they had divers on hand to rescue him should he pass out, but what if he didn't remember he had

I like this.

I also like your point about Abomination not being great in a fight because as a soldier he's been trained to suppress his emotions.  On the other hand, though, as you mention about Banner, I feel like when the soldier can tap into that suppressed rage, it'd be more devastating than Hulk's.  And that's backed up by