No Self

You look like a crocodile, fat crocodile, fat fucking bastard, you look like Idi fucking Amin d'ya know mean?

He wasn't entirely badass in National Lampoon's Senior Trip, but clearly the coolest of the bunch, so yeah, I guess so.

Blake in Lost Highway for sure.

I bought Spaced a few weeks ago knowing nothing of it
I was pleased.

Liar Liar
(Worldwide) Pants on fire.

For what it's worth, Buffalo Springfield actually have a diverse catalogue.

Losing My Edge works as an introduction into the sarcastic, self-conscious humor of Murphy, but musically it's pretty one note compared to the later stuff.

I think I remember reading an article about this before. I think the Coens would've accepted if Jaynes won, since Jaynes is just a pseudonym they use for whatever artistic reason; it's still them. Donald Kaufman, on the other hand, is fictional. While he was nominated, I think I read that only one statue would've

@ Intangible: I get what I think you're saying w/r/t actors losing weight or playing people with handicaps getting Oscar recognition. But if the point of most documentaries is showing people something they either didn't know about or wouldn't otherwise get to see, I think in that respect Restrepo's accomplishment

Exit Through the Gift Shop was cool, but if Restrepo doesn't win that's pretty weak. Following around street artists and making a faux documentary doesn't really compare to going to Afghanistan and getting indisrciminately attacked along with soldiers.

"bedreadlocked" sounds like a one word descriptor for "Misery".

Seriously, had I heard Cale's version first I might even prefer that to the original.

My guess would be students.

Hey, I just finished season 4 of the Wire and I recognize that reference!

Haven't seen Henry or Michael Clayton, but if we're weighing in on tough-to-watch movie muders i'll throw out the Napa Valley stabbings in 'Zodiac'.

He was a Professor in 1938?
Doesn't that put him at 21 years of age? That's badass if so.

I believe the screenwriter was a stammerer and was encouraged to hear about the King's ordeal growing up. So the story doesn't necessarily have to plumb the specific ways stammering affects ones life and any associated limitations, it seems that the writer found himself an interesting, personal story and they made a

Wahlberg is a good supporting type or a manageable lead, but an action hero he is not. Didn't Max Payne and Shooter kind of convey that? I've never played these Drake games, but in general Wahlberg doesn't really cut it at the action level, like Gylenhaal in Prince of Persia i imagine.

The sound when he hits the nerve in the arm is like *sort of spoiler* at the end of The Conversation when Hackman hear's the scream and sees the blood in the apartment, that noise is just something you don't unhear.

Leave the Gun
Take the canoli.