No Self

Dead Poet's Society does get really sentimental and melodramatic, but I think he achieves a pretty solid sense of the dread and melancholy those kids deal with. The scene where they first sneak out in the silence and run with their hoods up and their flashlights is terrific. I'm a sucker for works about

Peter Weir
Never really gets mentioned with other esteemed, eclectic directors, while his body of work is pretty darn varying and strong:

Blake Lively was pretty terrible in the Town. Assuming she'd have to enunciate in this movie, I'm glad they're heading in a different direction. If Jennifer Connelly was 10 years younger she'd be perfect (for the role, that is, she's basically perfect in general).

Where to start with Ellroy?
I've never read any Ellroy and I've seen L.A. Confidential, which I think is all the exposure I've had to his work directly. Anyone suggest a good place to get started?

Shooting in Detroit? That doesn't sound right.

If you stopped tipping $100 so often, though, you could save up much faster for your bar, which would presumably make you happy, and then you can employe waitresses and waiters and bartenders who you can pay less than minimum wage.

If you can regularly dish out $100 to make people happy, you might consider doing that for people who don't have jobs.

I think you overestimate the Mayans.

Isn't everything better than Fantastic Four?

Agreed on Good Will Hunting. That's a pretty difficult role, and alot of people would come across as 100% dickish, but he has an understated compassion and melancholy, seeing the relationship he has with Sean and kind of still having a chip on his shoulder despite his accomplishments, a tricky role that he really

Jeff Bridges
has a job.

You kind of lose credibility in bashing a movie when you admit you didn't finish it. That's fine if you didn't like it, but it undercuts your claim a little bit, not that the ending would totally redeem it if you hated it, but still.


The BUMS will always lose, Lebowski!

Breaking Away
is great. Nothing too mold breaking in terms of the underdog / sports movie, but just really fun to watch with good performances.

That's a fair point. But I think stuff like that is more forgivable in a lower budget setting. Maybe I'm just an apologist, I dunno. But with Landa we at least get a glimpse into the type of person he is, at the finale he admits he's just great at detection, so working for the SS was a natural fit for his innate

I have to disagree a bit there. It's bare bones compared to his later output, but I think it's that quality that makes it rewatchable. Budget and other considerations seemed to hamstring him into focusing on the essential parts of the story (I think I read somewhere had the money been available, the robbery would

If the following don't make you laugh…

Rest assured, RagingBear, the same thing will NOT happen with Spaceballs. There is nothing in the world that could make that movie anything less than hilarious.

Empire Records
Happily still stands up for me as well. That movie is so endlessly quotable, and has a pretty cool soundtrack to boot (despite the fade out of The The's "This is the Day" at the end into whatever comes on, bothers me every time.