No Self

Rocky V
The shot of a robot going through a car hoof makes me excited for the Rocky V - Tommy Gunn-esque possibilities.

Yeah, Zodiac is pretty much an all around triumph, the hurdy-gurdy / lake / basement sequences on their own would've been impressive, but to have all three in the same movie I think puts it in Silence of The Lambs territory for just pure craftsmanship around a truly creepy premise.

So long as they don't ruin the upholstery.

There ya go. You're still awful, though.

Mean Girls
Kind of did the "Halloween is an excuse for girls to dress like sluts" angle and put the girl people root for (sort of) in a ridiculously unflattering costume first.

Along with a healthy amount of people, I'm no longer a fan of music I liked in elementary / middle school, but Welcome to Paradise will never not be an awesome song.

I don't even get why Little Miss Sunshine became such a candidate for backlash, it's really good.

Valhalla Rising
I was prepared to love that movie, but it just dragged too much. I respect what it set out to accomplish, and certain sequences were pretty great, but I feel like more could have been done and it didn't seem to have a point, kind of like Bronson.

the editorial…man, we dropped off the money.

Inland Empire was like a combination of the best parts of mulholland drive and the worst parts of eraserhead. Overall it seemed way too long and off-putting.

Lots of directors have WTF? movies on their resume's, Scorsese has NY, NY, Speilberg has 1941 (no idea why I thought of those two). Straight Story rocks, though, I think it's Badalamenti's best work for sure. And it definitely is weird, just not "huffing gas sexual assault" weird.

isn't the guy's name Joss? Plus Leonard probably assumed anyone reading an update article on Buffy probably read the previous news-feed entries and know what he said. Assuming your audience knows the details isn't always the way to go, but when it comes to nitpicking ridiculously specific nerds, it's usually a safe…

lol wut Travolta dies now sudenly hes back?? if i wanted ghosts id watch six cents cuz this is dumb

Look at the small brain on No Self

Say What Again
Say What one more god damn time!

@Joe I always assumed it was a combo of both; Hawkeye clearly has skills, but after he drops that final Huron with the musket blast Chinga just goes into all-out sprint mode, which would make keeping up pretty hard - Uncas was being avenged.

Interesting point about DDL's trilogy of men caught in a changing world (I'm assuming you mean Gangs and TWBB to round those out?). He's able to register sincerity and a sort of under the surface rage that serves that type of people well, dignified but dangerous.

You're thinking of ferris bueller.
If he had died.
And the blind person was stevie wonder.
Who's still blind.
Because ferris didn't die.
And is fictional.

I think various prostitutes would disagree with you, Flaubert.

I was unbelievably disappointed by Little Children. It's certainly interesting, but really not what I was expecting and not in a good way.