No Self

Ray Winstone
Should be in this and be a badass

Has TBS taught you nothing about the hollowness of the phrase "very funny"?

College Humor is funnier than South Park?

Agree with everything you said. All the good anti-heroes had been mentioned, though, so I tossed him out there. So much of that book didn't cohere in a narrative sense for me, which I'm sure is part of it as it descends into total anarchy, i.e. the Byron the Bulb chapter being a mirror for how something can just be

Gravity's Rainbow's…
…Tyrone Slothrop. He follows his libido, runs from bad situations, is a drug fiend. You can forgive this due to the larger conspiracy aspect and see him as a pawn, yet he's still a morally reprehensible person the reader sides with because there's really no one better.

Tin Cup is totally harmless. It's a great saturday afternoon cable movie. It's better than most romantic comedies of the era, it's got the type of role that Kevin Costner is great in, and the last hole sequence legitimately stands up as a really good scene.

How was King Kong a bad choice by Brody? Making a movie with the director who was fresh off a ridiculously impressive trilogy that went on to make boatloads? Maybe you thought he wasn't great in it? (I thought he was fine); not sure how it's a poor role choice on his part though.

Well, they originally wanted an actress from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but that name just wasn't going to fit on a psoter.

Rumble Fish has something to say to you. Or, rather, wants to stylistically punch you in the face.

Aren't they both in Memphis Belle?

Man's Bset Friend, that's it! I always thought I had seen Cujo, and I caught some it on t.v. the other day and didn't recognize much, and now I'm thinking that I've seen Man's Best Friend instead, definitely remember a dog climbing a tree at some point.

Kevin Kline won for A Fish Called Wanda. And Peter Sellers in Dr. Strangelove was nominated. There are definitely others, but yeah, comedy is probably harder to be convincing at and you can point to countless Coen brothers roles that could have been recognized.

Can "Kill" be interpreted comedically so that Beethoven's second is included? Because that St. Bernard kills me.

I Prefer
Batman on Drugs:

Led Zeppelin
Alot of their early stuff was taken, lyrically and musically, from blues standards and such, but Boogie With Stu could qualify I feel.


I think these clowns are realizing that the odds of them doing a better job in a one-man sci-fi movie than Rockwell did in Moon is pretty unlikely and they're quittin'.

fondu with cheddar

I haven't seen ST in awhile, but off the top of my head I can think of maybe 2 reasons why that movie's CGI worked. 1) Alot of bad CGI these days is used in large scale sequences where the battle participants or whatever look like a crazy swarm of insects, and considering the plot of ST, that would make sense in the

Yup. The sick Triceratops, for instance. When Grant happily leans on the stomach and rides up and down as it breathes, that's a great moment that helps solidify the realism of their situation, whereas had a poor CGI substitute been used there, and in other instances, the illusion would have been totally ruined.