
Cloverfield & Robin

… he didn't build the fucking railroads!


"i bet PTP is in his mom's garage smoking a bowl and composing an exhilarating freeform amalgam of metal, prog, Latin, jazz, and psychedelic sounds "

… were in annoying circle pits at metal shows.

"sounds like someone ate too much at the all-you-can-eat-music-genre-buffett and vomited up 75 minutes of disjointed noise"

That's exactly what I said when she was talking to Nathan's wife last week (4 months ago). The camera was either telling us that Angela's power is touch-based, or it was telling us that she's creepy and likes to touch people a lot when she talks to them.

In the TV version of The Jerk, Steve Martin's dog's name is "Stupid" instead of "Shit-head".

You'll take anything for free, huh? Anything at all? Well what if I offered you some poi-