
Would definitely enjoy hearing your thoughts on Harsh Realm - for completism if nothing else!

Would definitely enjoy hearing your thoughts on Harsh Realm - for completism if nothing else!

Brad Paisley is indeed a real person, best known to non-country music fans as the guy who sang "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive" (which so beautifully ends the first season of 'Justified'). It sure did sound like him. Although, I say this mostly because Matt and Trey's impressions of celebrity singers are invariably

Hmmm, well if this is a common quality of this reviewer's work, perhaps it would be best if you stopped reading them? Just a suggestion.

Don't worry, I'm working on a plan to force him into a solid marathon of some of Community's best. This time next month, he'll be buying Troy & Abed coffee cups, and fake-shooting Blogons with the best of us.

Ha, that's just what I said about The OC in a reply above! Very true.

Word. The biggest problem with The OC, I reckon, is that hey made the show entirely about the three central relationships, but by the end of the first season, all three couples had weathered storms and become "stronger than ever". So, when they had to start breaking up again in season 2, it was ridiculous.

I caught an 'Ally McBeal' rerun, and my thought process was similar to this wonderful review, I think. One of the problems - with 'Ally', with 'Glee', with 'Desperate Housewives', and even maybe 'Heroes' - was that a lot of somewhat-interested audience members felt like, after a few episodes or a season, they'd "seen"

Uh Duh, I completely agree BUT I suspect it isn't really Ms. Kohan's fault. More than likely, she doesn't actually have any kind of ownership over the series - if she wants to end it, but the network wants to keep it going (and they can give Mary-Louise Parker enough money to keep her involved), then they can just

Thanks ever so
Just because I love variety, I'm chiming in to thank you, Donna, both for introducing me to this show (in January of this year, when I stumbled across your reviews and subsequently bought the complete series), and for providing such a comprehensive and effusive analysis of it as a whole. Getting to know