Jonathan DeFranco

"Fuck Hartford" were not actually the first words Dave said on stage.  He just cleared the air first, something like "Now, I know all you read in the papers about this shit that went down in Hartford.." or something.

Running a little low on Inventory ideas lately, guys?

Ugh.  This is the kind of stuff that makes feminism seem like a snobby private club.  

Funny you should say that, since Hannah REPEATEDLY DENIES having a problem with her OCD.

I personally think it was a very daring episode in that it gave us moments of pure unadulterated romantic cheese, which this show NEVER gives us.  I think in a large part it was Lena Dunham daring us to accept that things can be this perfect, even for a few moments, for the characters.

At first I was skeptical of the OCD plotline too, but as someone already pointed out, the mention of masturbating 8 times a night fit it together for me.  I wish you would've gone more into the other parts of the episode, as I thought they were all fantastic, and hit perfect notes in every scene.  Usually when I read