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    Being a Santa Fean, I can say that you just described a large portion of the non-Mexican population here.

    a carhold!

    I really want to hear Hawking say "Douche nozzle"

    Don't forget that he spent most of his time coming up with some crazy-ass ideas about god. I'm sure that helped him with the ladies when his whole"I invented calculus" schtick didn't work.

    It's fun dating ourselves with these choices isn't it? My parents had(have) a great record collection and I heard a bunch from them-Dylan, The Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, etc; but the first song that really got me was "Black Hole Sun"

    Damn new system is so confusing! It's magically making me lose my ability to sound coherent!

    I am an unabashed Keno brothers fan. I especially love it when one of them gets one of those 19th century cabinets that approximately 36 hidden compartments.

    Love soccer as well but as a major baseball fan I must say the departure of Joe Morgan made me absolutely giddy. A victory for thinking sports fans. Sadly, Bobby V isn't so hot either. I know it would never happen, but I would love a Schulman/Olney booth.