
Horseshit.  Tons of professional theater is done by people not getting paid (or getting a pittance like $2-400 for 4-6 weeks of rehearsal and 2 weeks of shows).  Should they not get reviewed?  (Leaving aside the fact that reviews and the exposure they bring are often the best way for podcasters or bloggers or actors

Horseshit.  Tons of professional theater is done by people not getting paid (or getting a pittance like $2-400 for 4-6 weeks of rehearsal and 2 weeks of shows).  Should they not get reviewed?  (Leaving aside the fact that reviews and the exposure they bring are often the best way for podcasters or bloggers or actors



Trainspotting was pitched to me as a wacky comedy where a guy poops the bed and then has weird dreams that are hilarious.

I just watched this one and while I'm okay with "A wizard did it!" as the answer, I'm less comfortable with the answer "No really, an actual wizard did it, with magic."  Especially in sci-fi (sy-fy?).

Agreed.  That's pretty much where I am, except I focused more on character and language, which means sometimes I go "wait, why are they killing Character X?  What did he do?  Is Al just a jerk? or did this have a set up 4 episodes ago?"

I guess that's what I'm saying.  I don't think "society comes together in a town" is a story arc as much as a show structure.  It's like saying The Wire's "story arc" is about systems failing the people who inhabit them and forcing things back to the status quo.  It's certainly the "point" to the show, but not really

Having just finished the first season (after several failed attempts) I'll say that the show is excellent.  My gripes are more with the structure of the show.  Because there's no larger "point" to much of what's going on (i.e. no major goal/catalyzing event all of the players are moving towards/reacting to) a lot of

CURSE YOU ROBUTTNIK!  But yes, you're right.  So I guess I got 15, which moves me from "goddamn respectible" to "miserable failure"…

I got 16. I think that's pretty goddamn respectable.

Do all these AV Club folk really, genuinely like "All I want for Christmas is You?"  Or is this some in joke I'm not privy to?  Because all I want for Christmas is for someone to remove Mariah Carey's larynx for recording that song.

I'd just like to point out that as of 11:28am the next day this thread has 100 fewer comments as the LOST series finale and 400 or so more than the Breaking Bad season 4 finale.  That's pretty impressive.

"On another level, this is weak, sloppy storytelling, an insultingly vapid deus ex machina designed largely to make sure we get to the end of the season with minimal shift in character or situation."
Nailed it.

I was laughing reading the show being described in the review.

I'm way out of the acting world now, but I can say with absolute certainty that women are supposed to be 22 until they're 50.  The Julia Roberts, Jennifer Anistons and Sandra Bullocks of the world are really anomalies.

I like both the AV Club and Tumblr!  Finally, you're joining the new, new (new) internet.

In the hatch
I kind of like the idea that Glenn Beck is stuck in the hatch pushing a button while the smoke monster (I presume… let's say… Obama?) is pulling his strings. We just have to remember, if he's John Locke he'll eventually be strangled by someone he thinks he can trust (I like to imagine Ben being Keith

guess I'm a day late to the party, but I'm glad to see the love for FYC. They've always been underrated… except here apparently.

I agree with Football Rapist (I never expected to type those words…). I'm as disappointed as everyone else on the AV Club comment board, but at least a higher up took the time to explain everything, talk to us like adults and say "hey, I'm bummed too, but I can't keep a show on that's not bringing in the ratings."