
AV Club has thousands of readers and contributors who are not active posters. That may not meet your criteria of a "clubber," but that's just the fact of the matter. Are you familiar with the creative process? Have you had any visual or recording art reviewed here (or anywhere, for that matter)? I'm curious. Snark is

Very much so.

Senior Bounjour (SB's comment doesn't allow reply) it's sad that you believe an artist would have to "fight battles" regarding the integrity of what they produce. Sharing your opinion is one thing, but cheap shots and name calling make you seem like an intellectual coward hiding behind an oh-so-quirky avatar.

If you consider the actual spanish pronunciation of his name "ridiculous," you're even more pathetic than your armchair-critic insight suggests. What contribution have YOU made to the Texas creative culture? That's what I thought (no royal "we" as you lamely invoke). While you may choose to not remember him, Robert