
Ride em…

Stubb (A Dubb) is pretty sexy in the right circles.

Big up t'Piece Hall.

How an article on a sample used in Paul's Boutique fails to credit or even mention the Dust Brothers is beyond me.

Starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Will Andersen

Wow. Gig venues in America have really cool names. 

A film about stuntmen, presumably this is going to be a period piece?

I refuse to have good strong English names mocked by a nation that believes Randy is an acceptable give name.

That was 1994, the year of Hollywood's Skydiving Skirmish, a precursor to The Great Volcano War of 97 and the following year's Asteroid Altercation, and a successor to 89's unforgettable Police Dog Pugilism 

Soldier underrated? You are fucking kidding me?  A cool set up, a great lead, a proper geeky David Webb Peoples script and it's garbage.

Can't they just merge Transformers, He Man, Action Man and Battleship into one big toy based pile of shit I can avoid in one easy go?

Unless this adds Shaun Ryder it'll be much much worse. 

That's the great thing about Catholicism. It's so vague and no one really knows what it's about.

I'm still mourning To The White Sea…

I'm OK with whatever you guys think.

Devils and Advocaat don't even enter into things. Forrest Gump and Million Dollar Baby are genuinely fucking awful.  

Thanks to this article I've now accepted that my favourite character archetype is the indestructible cowardly traitor bitch.

The cast is awesome; Napoleon Solo, Roper, Hannibal, a pair of boobs and a mole.

To be fair the establishment were all over themselves to get involved in D&B by that stage; Goldie was dating Bjork. KRS One and Noel Gallagher are also on the self indulgent Saturnz Return.

I've got the Hong Kong Legends dvd from the late 90's early 00's which is most definately getting an airing tonight. Fairly sure I remember a pretty crap sequel from about 10 years ago?