
On it's run on the BBC it was dumped unceremoniously somewhere between midnight and 4am, it's not all that surprising it never took off. I think I managed to randomly catch 2 or 3 episodes out of sequence over it's run.
I think treated better it could have been a pretty successful import.
Only since episodes started

I always presumed that the Mika tune was just blatant pandering to his fan base.

I always presumed that the Mika tune was just blatant pandering to his fan base.

ET was the first pirate movie I ever saw, in fact I reckon it was one of the first films really impacted by piracy, certainly my first recollection of it.
VHS copies were all over the place in the UK in the summer of 82, the film wasn't released theatrically until December. Parents were passing these tapes round

ET was the first pirate movie I ever saw, in fact I reckon it was one of the first films really impacted by piracy, certainly my first recollection of it.
VHS copies were all over the place in the UK in the summer of 82, the film wasn't released theatrically until December. Parents were passing these tapes round

His name is Robert Coulson

His name is Robert Coulson

Dances With Wolves beating Goodfellas to best picture, director and adapted screenplay was the moment I realised the Oscars are completely redundant.

Dances With Wolves beating Goodfellas to best picture, director and adapted screenplay was the moment I realised the Oscars are completely redundant.

I went to the zoo the other day. Very disappointing. There was only a solitary animal on display in the entire place, a mangy looking small dog in a big draughty enclosure.
It was a Shih-tzu.

I went to the zoo the other day. Very disappointing. There was only a solitary animal on display in the entire place, a mangy looking small dog in a big draughty enclosure.
It was a Shih-tzu.

The Avengers has the best henchmen duo (henchduo) on film ever in Shaun Ryder and Eddie Izzard and for your money you get Connery dressed as a giant teddy bear. What's not to like… Apart from everything else in the film.

The Avengers has the best henchmen duo (henchduo) on film ever in Shaun Ryder and Eddie Izzard and for your money you get Connery dressed as a giant teddy bear. What's not to like… Apart from everything else in the film.

Worlds stickiest bogey? Toxteth O'Grady, USA.

Worlds stickiest bogey? Toxteth O'Grady, USA.

I'm more of a Fong Sai Yuk guy me.

I'm more of a Fong Sai Yuk guy me.

Interesting gender switch they've got going on for the Edward Scissor Hands remake. 

Interesting gender switch they've got going on for the Edward Scissor Hands remake. 

And those are the reissues going for that. The original KLF Communications UK pressing which was written as one track to the CD would be worth a fuck-ton.