
That could work, but he's a stark formalist with a classic bent. I don't see him popping up multiple screens or something, to narrate the equivalent of a footnote, or whatever's the equivalent of DFW's fantastic asides,
Don't get me wrong, if anyone could reach DFW's narrative prowess level, it's PTA, but I am not that

But you'd need a director as gifted as DFW for that to work to it's full potential

Try heavyset stoner with a very apparent disregard for personal hygene.

It's Costco's product placement

Sure the music is mostly good (they loose points for Sting and the lengthy voice-gymnastics sections. though).

Well, I've seen "20 feet from stardom" and it has nothing indy or arty in it. It's a sub-standard, made-for-TV-like documentary.

My appreciation for the film grew after watching Jem Cohen's recent "Museum hours". Although not music related at all, I recommend it to anyone who liked this one.


Lucien Freud, too. He was the model for the record-breaking Bacon's painting very recently sold, and he's the subject of a career-wide retrospective in Vienna's Kunsthistorische Museum.

I guess Mike D'Angelo just got tired of replying 20+ comments calling him out for a grade, every week. Can't blame him.
(My guess is, it would be a C-)

That was a cool version of "High hopes", there's a mean latin vibe to it, I had never found in the Boss' work. This new album might be cooler than expected from a toss-off collection of songs.

It sounds bad for a documentary focusing on such a feminist icon like Kathleen Hanna, but the secret hero of the story is Adrock. It's actually quite an interesting movie, I saw it in a film festival not too long ago, it may not be out on DVD or available online just yet.
Thanks for the interview link. That's a vortex

True. He hasn't been able to recapture his comedic timing, all the scripted jokes he does fall flat.

Have you seen "The punk singer", a documentary on Kathleen Hanna? I saw it a few weeks ago, and Adrock instantly became my favorite human ever.

Ian Svenonius is one of the smartest, most likeable guys in rock today

I actually went on board around the Jim O'Rourke - Steve Reich phase, but you're right about those two big periods being their most interesting and unique.

That's where I started myself. Perhaps the "a band trying to make a SY record" factor makes Dirty a bit more accessible, even if that only applied to the alt-rock years (1991-1994).

I started with "Dirty" and I'm still a fan.

I also like it quite a lot, but I didn't start with that one. I guess my entrypoint was "Dirty"

That one I haven't seen. But you are probably right if it is anything like the other Svankmajer films I've watched.