
Is it me or was the cheetah the only dignified, non-greasy part of that trailer?

Is it me or was the cheetah the only dignified, non-greasy part of that trailer?

It might be that the studio was unable to find a way to sell the movie. Hence their going down the "cheetahs! hot women! sexy cheetah women!" route. I wouldn't be surprised if the movie turned out to be actually quite restrained.

"Coasting" by Jonathan Raban. Not a new book by any standards, but one I've been wanting to read for a long while.

Next to Günter Guillaume, anyone would look funny and charming.

You have to be very stupid (or heavily intoxicated) to mix-up Russell Brand and the late German statesman Willy Brandt.

I used to think like you, but Brand seems to be smarter and more articulate than the average twat.

@avclub-a93a879594c13c12a83fd45ab289a022:disqus , are you suggesting we might be interested in co-authoring a paper or what?

I would, man. But it's really hard to measure the influence of expert reviews on the consumption of entertainment goods. So, yeah, in a way I'm writing my thesis on the AV Club.

My PhD thesis is pretty much on this. Though I work from a theoretical micro perspective, not empirical.

Good luck with that. It did not work for me and my "Willenium" album.

I don't know if it is fair (or even possible) to talk about "consistent records" with the Screams, but if one had to pick an album that is the most coherent with the band's entire career, it is "More light".

You'll be surprised to see that this is their first "balanced" one, with as many jaw-dropping moments as dull ones. I really liked the album overall, though.

Both of you make an important point in showing how much of a great movie "Heat" is, part heist movie, part western, part post-modern action flick.

@avclub-d80126524c1e9641333502c664fc6ca1:disqus , oh yeah. That scene stands among my favorite "tragic-third-act" openers, of all time.

That is so very true, @avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus . I didn't remember the line, but it is there. Thanks for the reminder.

That's an interesting connection you make there.

True. They could've done with Dick something like they did with Harley Quinn. Or at least. I don't know if there is any explanation for this in "Batman Beyond", the series. Perhaps it's been established Dick's dead or something.

I don't like Odd Future either. My excuse is that they are too juvenile and (sometimes very evidently) trying so very hard to shock people with their antics.

But Yeezus is clearly the work of a very disturbed man. A different type of insanity, but no less deranged than "The Money Store".