
With a "respectable taste", shall I add?

This is the kind of bullshit paper that journals love to publish because they deal with a "sexy" topic, not only offering a break from their loathsome Polity IV regressions, but attracting NYT and Hollywood Reporter (or AV Club) headlines.
(And while we're at it, let me plug my upcoming paper on why hipsters download

This is the kind of bullshit paper that journals love to publish because they deal with a "sexy" topic, not only offering a break from their loathsome Polity IV regressions, but attracting NYT and Hollywood Reporter (or AV Club) headlines.
(And while we're at it, let me plug my upcoming paper on why hipsters download

I think that place even extends beyond the Twitter-space, into something called "the real human experience". Urgh! The sole idea of such a place makes me shudder.

I think that place even extends beyond the Twitter-space, into something called "the real human experience". Urgh! The sole idea of such a place makes me shudder.

@avclub-ac0cc045737916963285e58df2b820fd:disqus I don't know how you came up with the connection, but Jesus thinks you're a jerk. I mean, best username ever!

@avclub-ac0cc045737916963285e58df2b820fd:disqus I don't know how you came up with the connection, but Jesus thinks you're a jerk. I mean, best username ever!

Help me, I'm a rock

Help me, I'm a rock

It's a little bit of an acquired taste, but if they think other 59 Zappa albums have an audience…

It's a little bit of an acquired taste, but if they think other 59 Zappa albums have an audience…

The muffin man sure can

The muffin man sure can

Does Natalie Imbruglia have any fans? That would really blow my mind, man!

Does Natalie Imbruglia have any fans? That would really blow my mind, man!

Hmm, I wouldn't go that far @avclub-dc7008f6bd89036db2513d35ef4b537c:disqus . It's true that her videos ("Across the universe" and "Criminal") used to pop-up in the same kind of places you'd see Sheryl Crowe, Puff Daddy, Smashing Pumpkins or Radiohead videos, but I'd never picture her as a Natalie Imbruglia type. Lots

Hmm, I wouldn't go that far @avclub-dc7008f6bd89036db2513d35ef4b537c:disqus . It's true that her videos ("Across the universe" and "Criminal") used to pop-up in the same kind of places you'd see Sheryl Crowe, Puff Daddy, Smashing Pumpkins or Radiohead videos, but I'd never picture her as a Natalie Imbruglia type. Lots

You have to go to Buzzfed for your daily dose of funny feline videos, bro.

You have to go to Buzzfed for your daily dose of funny feline videos, bro.

I'm pretty much in your situation, so I decided to start with this one. It seems that it was the right choice, it's a fantastic album and will surely attract you to the rest of her ouvre, as it happened with me. Your avatar tells me we're into the same kind of music, so there's that; starting with this album could