
I can totally relate. (Are communist/feminist girls intrinsically hot or what?)

I've long ago discovered not to mix pop-culture and dates. If any girl wants to do something with me and call it "a date", I silently abide and do whatever it is she wants do to. I don't seem to be able to convince any girl to do anything I like. Besides, I'm an AV Club commenter, I don't get dates that easily, you

They should make a documentary about Genesis' "COUM Transmissions" years. That would certainly freak the shit out of all the people making a fuzz because a guy played "My Sharona" for an hour.

I sill remember when "Pi" was something like an artsy-fartsy sensation. A couple of buddies passed me a VHS tape with it and I was kinda unfazed, but it just seems so silly a premise now. With the shallow mysticism and the shitty-airport-newstand-bestseller math tinge… either the times have gotten more cynical, or

The Pinocchio "It's alright Ma" line is one of the most clever Dylan jokes I've ever seen.

Are we not men?

I've got the feeling that's kind of a trend here, between AVClub commenters.
I'm an Industrial Engineering major, doing a PhD in Economics now, but with 8 years worth of work experience in journalism. And yes, my life is a sad, empty mess.

@avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus  I was hoping this thread's firstie to be "Mr. Narrator…"

One of his most beautiful lovesongs, too.

@avclub-81f9c5d05b38e97bc1000e06526c2557:disqus  BOTT is my favorite album ever, yet to this day I can't make it through the first 3 songs without getting emotionally destroyed. The inclusion of "Up to me" there would have been just too much. It's a sublimely sad song, nevertheless.Good call.

It's a great, great song. As a matter of fact, "Street legal" is underrated as a whole. That said, it's really hard to beat "Sad eyed lady of the lowlands" as his best album closer.
"Up to me" is a wonderful choice, bro. It's a pity that Dylan will very unlikely debut it now.
"Yea! Heavy and a bottle of bread" is

Isn't it weird that the song I've just posted about mentions "a green, smoky haze", "drifting like a satellite", "a neon light ablaze" and "laughter". My guess is that either certain Mr. Zimmerman likes pot a lot… or his fans do.

I think "Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat)" is a truly underrated gem, much like "The man in me" before "The Big Lebowski".

I was dating a girl called Dilan a few years ago. Right from the start she suspected that I liked her exclusively because of her name (she was hot and shit, but  truth be told, her namesake was a big part of the attraction), and she dumped me.
Other than that, I've never been able to date girls who even know or