Norton is far worse than Owlsley. Owlsley mercenary ways are (perversely) honest and consistent. Norton hides behind a bible and imprisions/kills innocent people. Daredevil would remove his teeth.
Norton is far worse than Owlsley. Owlsley mercenary ways are (perversely) honest and consistent. Norton hides behind a bible and imprisions/kills innocent people. Daredevil would remove his teeth.
Ebert's Law of Economy of Characters is one of the biggest narrative hurdles to overcome.
I was actually referring to the lack of shooting script. Jeff Bridges tells it best:…
Fun fact: That song is about Ghost Rider.
Counterpoint: Iron Man.
One Mechanical Alligator is another great 90's band.
It's a real phrase, although fairly obscure: http://www.worldwidewords.o…
Al Franken taught me it's called "kidding on the square."
If there's an MCU Punisher/Daredevil team-up, I want that line as a call-back.
I believe timing is everything in comedy. A fake show-ending freeze frame that immediately cuts to more action is a dissonance I do not truck with.
I agree. the joke would work as a stinger, or even a cut to "commercial," but a fake sitcom ending is a terrible bit to have in the middle of the show.
There's another problem that stems from the procedural device, something that consistently haunted Law & Order; the guilty party can be deduced by the casting. Last week, The Office's David Wallace appeared for thirty seconds as a random witness. This week, House's Dr. Taub plays the mayor's brother. The red herrings…
Secret of the Ooze is not a great movie, but it contains one of the greatest jokes ever committed to film:…
I think "I want to make this movie and I'm going to" is not the ridiculous premise the article suggests.
edit: I'm late to the party. I like Dong. That is all.
A lot of these bits look like they're directly adapted from the old cartoons, and they don't work when everyone's rendered in 3D.
Plot twist: I can't really bring myself to watch either, anymore.
Skye is Roman Reigns. Discuss.
Kane wore a mask for years and he has amazing facial acting ability.