
Considering Garry was appointed mayor within 24 hours, he even botched his retirement.

I actually like the A-Plot 1/A-Plot 2 episode structure. It's only a slight tweak to the classic format of the largely unrelated first reel, and at this point, I'm not going to yell at them for trying something different.

The haunted castle looks dope.

I decided that Happy Endings is a reality show shot like a single camera sitcom in the Marry Me universe.

Also, why would ultron care about his voice sounding human? Show some robot pride! Especially since that is the fundamental conceit of your character.

Death to think pieces.

Am I to understand that the lack of cashmere is due to the abundance of kevlar?

I forgot Taye Diggs was on this show. And I think Taye Diggs is AWESOME.

All trips to pound town should be fueled by (chaotic/lawful/neutral) joy.

I love how Cuesta pulls a (fairly believable) 180 in that scene. He enters pissed, knowing people are trying to manipulate him outside the courtroom, but after juuuuuust enough evidence that the DA office attempted to entrap Cary, he dismisses the whole case.

This episode took way too long to get to Fake Ray or Real Ray. Fake Ray or Real Ray could have been the whole episode.

Legolas runs up crumbling stairs INTO TEXTBOOK HURRICANRANA.

Busiek's "One Year Later" arc had a good handle on it, even with INCREASING his power limit. Basically, a lot of his power requires finesse/concentration that he can't muster in the heat of battle. So even a less powerful metahuman, like Metallo, can hit him hard enough to distract him

Hey, if you're going to remake a movie, you might as well take flawed film and try to improve it.

I thought he remixed the soundtrack. Le sigh.

I hate being a wet blanket thrown over the fire of such an amazing episode, but I was very put-off by Holt's assertion that he doesn't care about food, and would subsist on the simplest, blandest food possible. He reads Boyle's pizza blog, after all.

Andre Braugher maintains that he is merely the Hegel of actors.

I feel like the "Regis has never done anything bad" thing was a "cross your fingers" joke and not a "dramatic irony" joke, but, boy, am I scared to check.

Yes. More Carl. While we're at it, more Flashback Captain and more Drug Dealer who loves selling drugs from the season 1 finale.

Rosa's undercover outfit.