I'd watch a MASK movie. Vehicles turning into other vehicles? Is that any dumber than a GI Joe movie?
I'd watch a MASK movie. Vehicles turning into other vehicles? Is that any dumber than a GI Joe movie?
SOMEONE just earned a follow!
At the risk of drawing a conclusion from two examples, a criminal tripping and killing themselves with their own weapon is possibly the most Elmore Leonard thing to happen ever.
Your authority is not recognized at the Offices of Lockhart/Kickass.
The moment where Cary and the Judge can't remember the name of the discredited witness and Judge K says "Screw it."
"Hex, a semi-aware kind-of computer that runs on magic and bees" is the kind of spirited nonsense that made Discworld great.
The Copy Shop is a near perfect (9.95/10) sketch. It's basically a checklist of how to do sketch comedy. It has a simple premise, rooted in reality but absurd. It escalates the joke in stages. It's quick. It has a funny, logical ending. It even has an earworm that will have you thinking of the sketch 20 years down the…
This episode gives some insight into Boyle's preference for older women.
I'm a Joel guy, but damned if I'm gonna tell you how to like a show.
And they got to "restage" the fight from They Live which was, like a lot of SR4, a great idea that went horribly wrong.
Josh Charles teaches a 3-second master class in scene-stealing with his non-verbal reaction to Lillard's outburst of enthusiasm for the law.
"Hey! Let's adapt Gotham Central!"
"No, let's make another series that's like it but vaguely unnecessary and not as good!"
"Even better!"
The film isn't TERRIBLE, but based on word-of-mouth (and certainly the trailer), one might suspect something much more surreal. It's actually pretty tame, and the majority of the weirdness doesn't even happen on location, so I don't know why they didn't push the envelope more.
Peter's decision will REALLY swing back on him. Don't forget: the dominoes started falling because Diane sold out Will to get that appointment.
I think Willis was referring to plans for a sixth Die Hard film.
They've broken from the "______ and _______" convention before, but I always lament that this episode wasn't called "Exes and Whys."
That girl will never tell. Courtney is more powerful than ever.
In "A Series of Unfortunate Events," Jim Carrey as the Count first appears saying "Children, dear children… no, I'm not feeling it, let me try again," exits, and does his entrance again. He stayed in character, and the Count is a big weird phony, so they kept that take.
No. Well, yes. But no, because I did, too.
There's a lot of annoying stuff in this video, but I laughed so hard at the lobster pulling out a knife that I can't completely hate this song.