
I like the detail that Dan befriends everyone on Rebecca's floor. It highlights his friendliness, which I think is a superior quality to charisma. Similarly, Barney on HIMYM is often the only one to talk to the cab driver.

@avclub-56b40f28310e0de4de92649658a0f2d3:disqus due to careful parsing of descriptors, I conclude that pre-9/11, New York consisted entirely of gay Jewish children. That made porn.

@avclub-56b40f28310e0de4de92649658a0f2d3:disqus due to careful parsing of descriptors, I conclude that pre-9/11, New York consisted entirely of gay Jewish children. That made porn.

No Letters to Cleo? GTFO.

No Letters to Cleo? GTFO.

To expand on 2, what kind of geologist with proprietary mapping spheres gets lost in the caves he just mapped?

To expand on 2, what kind of geologist with proprietary mapping spheres gets lost in the caves he just mapped?

Lisa Loeb plays the mom of a teenager in the Fright Night remake.  She is, in fact, old enough to be the mother of a teenager. Nonetheless, she looks twenty-four years old, and gorgeous at that, onscreen.

Lisa Loeb plays the mom of a teenager in the Fright Night remake.  She is, in fact, old enough to be the mother of a teenager. Nonetheless, she looks twenty-four years old, and gorgeous at that, onscreen.

She was hardly fully clothed… yet, at the same time, you're totally right, and they should have gotten a decent actress who was okay with nudity for that part.

@avclub-ab5266a567015c1fa88e4cb37ae91f51:disqus , I'm a little hard of hearing.  Would you repeat the stone cold truth for me?

Most importantly: Did Annie's Boobs get his own placard at the panel?

Go straight to Busiek and Perez. If you've seen the movie, The Ultimates has nothing new to offer you.

"If that's what this is all leading to, I may actually fall on my knees and worship this show."

The final straw for me was this episode, where Leslie decides to speak to Bobby away from all the cameras… and then we see the whole scene; from at least two different angles.

I'm going to have to watch this again, just because I want to see Tracy's story all over again. He either made up the big public fight on the spot, or he's the only person who totally controlled the reality show atmosphere.

Dear Hulu,
Your thesaurus app is not working.  "Shrink" is not a synonym for "disappear."

Todd expressed doubt that this episode had a defining character moment, but I think it's a good companion piece to Todd's debut.

Yes, I think this is the first episode where we get hints that Rom is quite good at his job, and just constantly browbeaten.  Like Pete Hornberger.

I find her gyrating incredible.