My favorite moment was Pierce quietly inquiring if he believed in leprechauns.
My favorite moment was Pierce quietly inquiring if he believed in leprechauns.
Was there really a surprise? At no point did I feel like something besides the most obvious turn of events had occurred.
The idea that Patrick Fischler was paid money to appear in this film and proceeds to take the piss out of it onscreen delights me.
Man, back then, I was all about Jordan. How times have changed.
Now we've established that
a) Greendale has a tv station.
b) Troy and Abed have access to it.
Data's follow-up is fantastic. It starts out as one of his eye-rolling over-explanations that always fall dead with me, but when he abruptly shut up and went back to his work, I lost it.
John Mulaney's voice is straight outta 40's radio.
"No Ordinary Ninja Army"
If that's the season finale, then this is the best show ever.
and the Perfect Score. So before he made the worst movie ever, he made three I liked.
Clap…Clap…Clap…clap clap clap clap clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap
clapclapclapclapclapCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCARPCLAPCLAPCLAP raucous applause
My favorite 30 Rock episode ever
I think the genius was that the B and C plots were designed to just give Tracy and Jack as many 10 to 30 second gags as possible. They gave each a basic conflict and let them go nuts. Bravo!
@Jorge Von Salsa
I think Teti is right. You should probably know which button is jump, but otherwise you can just mash the rest and kill everything on screen. Unlike 99 Nights, that style of play really works in this game.
@dr. zarnak
So… very… awesome…
Casshern is sitting on top of my DVD player. We couldn't have had this conversation LAST week?
Man, I remember when Beverly Hills Cop 3 came out and Premiere magazine said something to the effect of "I dunno. The first two were good, but seven years is a LONG TIME between sequels."
You know what's great? The Shadow starring Alec Baldwin is great, and this conversation is over.
Dare I say, BEST job, Internet?