You know who's AWESOME in Fantastic Four 2? Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis.
You know who's AWESOME in Fantastic Four 2? Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis.
Adventureland is okay, but you can cut a truly awesome 15 short film about Hader and Wiig's characters out of it.
13 Going On 30
prompted sudden gigantism.
I was really psyched for Megamind when I thought Will Arnett was playing the lead. Then I found out it was Will Farrell. I like Will Farrell and all, but it's clearly Arnett's time. ARNETT'S TIME!
Not ALL of the original cast, you heartless beast.
Man, Hero always bugged me because, on top of being a really unlistenable song, I couldn't believe anyone would associate that song with Spider-Man. Spider-Man is an Elvis Costello/Weezer/Matthew Sweet kind of super-hero.
I find your theory compelling.
The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
(minimal spoilers)
Mustard Tiger Phil Collins took the long way to making me laugh, but I did, and quite heartily.
Herr Starr - James Woods
Hugo Root - James Cromwell
The Very Best Thing about the Very Best Thing
While Astro City is just a great work all-around, I can't overstate how perfectly realized the setting is, and usually to service characters who are featured once and never used again.
Steeljack's "Like Hell I am." is one of the medium's best lines ever.
It's probably like Jonah Hilll's scene in "The 40 Year Old Virgin." Sure, he's everywhere now, but he had all of three roles before that film.
@ El Santo: Metropolis is also (probably) in Delaware, so Superman has two supposedly unremarkable states covered.
Coincidentally, City Limits was the first episode I saw as well. Nothing will ever top Pod People in either riffs or skits, though.
The one bright spot out of all this is that ZMF is gonna kill a lot of people.
The big reveal…
sheds a lot of light on the previous episode .
Also, while I feel like Millar has done comics that are different from the style for which he is known, the list he rattles off at the end is a series of comics that are all more or less the same.
Not me. I can't wait to reward movie studios for punishing me! Heck, I'm buying movies that I don't even intend to watch.