Shadynasty Warriors

Except the obituaries.

Except the obituaries.

That photo is missing something. Oh yeah, a bright red NO.

That photo is missing something. Oh yeah, a bright red NO.

Shut up and take my money.

Shut up and take my money.

Well, my day has been made.

Well, my day has been made.

And in Gardens of the Night as well.

And in Gardens of the Night as well.

Yeah, I always dismissed him as being on the level of Dane Cook, but he came across extremely well in this interview and I'm now pretty curious about Hit & Run despite the horrible trailers.

Yeah, I always dismissed him as being on the level of Dane Cook, but he came across extremely well in this interview and I'm now pretty curious about Hit & Run despite the horrible trailers.

Lol at the Linkin Park fanboy decrying System of a Down as low-effort hackery.

Lol at the Linkin Park fanboy decrying System of a Down as low-effort hackery.

This is a gimmick account, right? That first paragraph just cannot be serious.

This is a gimmick account, right? That first paragraph just cannot be serious.

It's a near-perfect LaBoeuf impersonation.

It's a near-perfect LaBoeuf impersonation.

I have the weirdest boner right now.

I have the weirdest boner right now.