Prof Freaksworth

I was pumped when I heard he was putting out an album with another band, and I was pretty let down by it. I thought Consolers of the Lonely was better than the first album, but it still seemed kind of generic to me, despite some flashes of greatness.

Listening to the new one now and it sounds alright so far, but
Does anyone else skip the Shonna songs? I feel like they suck all the air out of the room whenever I listen to them. They're not bad, but they just seem so bland to me.

Homegrown and Chrome Dreams are gonna be on Archives II, right? Has that been confirmed? Anyone have any idea when it's coming out? I wish Neil wasn't such a shambling, rollicking mess when it came to back catalogue processing.

Surf's Up
Like the reference to The Beach Boys' Surf's Up. If Brian had been altogether that album could have been a masterpiece, especially with the other brothers stepping up in such a big way.

I saw Paul McCartney at Fenway and it was the best experience of my life. A huge part of it was everyone in the place knowing every line to every song, and of course, the sing along to Hey Jude. Those na na nas were amazing.

I've been reading about Chase's rock n roll project for a few years now and I can't help but think that everyone, especially of that generation, wants to write a story about growing up with the sweet sixties soundtrack. I could be wrong, but that's how it's been described over and over, right? What could possibly

I agree with you on Ralphie. SPOILERS I always thought part of the reason Tony killed him when he did was because Ralphie was changing and Tony couldn't stand the thought. I think a moral of the show is you can change but it's hard and most people are too lazy or up-their-own-ass. Tony would rather pity himself than

Unfocused Season
I like the way this season doesn't have an overarching plot to be resolved at the season's end. this season is just like a day in the life in the mob, no huge stories or anything, just regular mob guy stuff. So it may be unfocused as in there's no unifying storyline to tie together, but it's not

Thanks for the great series.
I got into townes van zandt and willie nelson because of it, so I will be forever grateful to you. I'd love to see you do more whenever an idea strikes.