Muthafuckin Henry


This is pleasingly insane/inane. Inanesane.

Just think about how Republicans run basically all of this country now. Give us a break, you're not victims.

I don't really know, but the exasperated-Murrow act and salving our wounds with being "better than them" isn't doing the trick.

I mean, yeah, but this is where things are heading. We lefties can't just keep putting our hands on our hips and talking about FACTS and pointedly saying HOW DARE YOU SIR HAVE YOU NO DECENCY. It doesn't work, it isn't working.

Man. Campero is pretty good but I don't think I'd wait around for it.

Well, the subject matter has to have been fresh at some point.

I just think these kind of movies, they're all bad. It would definitely be grating to watch a bunch of those corny characters sing and dance around to a song we've all heard a zillion times, but the whole concept and execution of pretty much all of these movies is corny and bad to me. Disliking just this particular

Well, he would have.

It's one of those things that I think is funny, but cannot fucking understand why so many people think it's funny. It seems like a niche of a niche. Good for them though!

There is definitely more that Twitter could be doing and should have been doing for a long time now, but I'm starting to grow weary of the "troll" talk. For one thing, I'm pretty sure that's just kinda how the internet itself is, not Twitter specifically. And for another, a lot of people use the word "troll" when they

Well-worn subject matter plus interesting production: welcome to today's rap music


Huh, that is weird. I think it's pretty good.

Dunno, but I saw the trailer before "Fences" on Christmas Eve

If you're gonna get shit for doing something whether or not you actually did it, might as well do it

Uhh no actually we were right and everyone else was wrong because uhh [a bunch of bullshit]

But like I don't get why his name came up? Was he dancing the fucking nae nae in a pair of overalls that said "TRUMP" on them because she was doing that bullshit for Clinton

I think you should probably just like whatever you like? The masculinity thing would only apply if there was something that deep down you knew you enjoyed, but didn't allow yourself to due to it not being "manly enough" or whatever. That shit is how you get Republicans who rant about gays all the time and then end up

Mmm hmm.