$50k, ouch. This is too bad, I haven't seen her in many movies (I don't watch many movies anyway) but I loved her in Soul Plane. Actually a whole spinoff movie of her & Loni Love as those airport security guards would be rad.
Terrible, terrible. The rapping, yuck.
I think these are all fine, they're goofy but not particularly grating. To me the worst shit is maudlin sentimental stuff, or downbeat fake-introspective stuff. And so the worst song on here yet has been "Sex and Candy", god damn it do I hate that fucking song.
He can be pretty funny on Twitter sometimes too, but overall I agree. I want to like him, I just don't.
"Walking on Broken Glass" to me is one of the best songs ever. God damn do I love that song.
"It was with ZZ Top that I came to understand how amazing they are. I’m a big fan of the blues, and to say that ZZ Top is garbage, as a blues fan, is antithetical."
Oh, is this new? Huh. Somehow I thought this had already been announced.
Haha, fuck that guy.
THANK YOU. The anodyne comments on this song are unbelievable to me, I fucking hate this stupid awful piece of shit song, and I have ever since it was released.
I hate this song, I fuckin hate this song, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, it sucks, fuck this song because it's bad and I hate it.
Any time you are seeing or hearing someone try to explain "weird twitter", go away from that.
I was in a place recently where they were playing "Superstar" and I got sad about what happened to this dude.
Toilet world!
That line, and his reading of it. Brutal.
Those sandwiches look shitty and Subway makes shitty sandwiches, so: apt.
They're so silly! Going around to tables and refilling water glasses and stuff. Like, ok sure, whatever, that's "work". I guess.
I guess I agree with her that there really is nothing Cosby can say, so he shouldn't bother. But besides that, Get Outta Here
Yes, this realization, I don't recommend it.