Warren Perso

I got to see The Master in 70mm, presented by a slightly inebriated, loose-lipped PTA. It may not be my favorite film of the year, but it sure as fuck was my best cinema going experience…

I got to see The Master in 70mm, presented by a slightly inebriated, loose-lipped PTA. It may not be my favorite film of the year, but it sure as fuck was my best cinema going experience…

Pffft… I'll wait for the Teen Choice Awards to tell me the REAL best movies of 2012…

Pffft… I'll wait for the Teen Choice Awards to tell me the REAL best movies of 2012…

Bruce Wayne's back was not magically fixed, Bane just thought that putting him in a cell with a doctor was a foolproof plan…

Bruce Wayne's back was not magically fixed, Bane just thought that putting him in a cell with a doctor was a foolproof plan…

Excuse me while I visit the alternate timeline and watch the two movie Hobbit saga directed by Del Toro. I'll always have a place in my heart for Peter Jackson, but success has taken its toll on him…

Excuse me while I visit the alternate timeline and watch the two movie Hobbit saga directed by Del Toro. I'll always have a place in my heart for Peter Jackson, but success has taken its toll on him…

Yup. I'm getting a little concerned that, given his age and the painfully gradual rate of output over the past decade, that we may not see another Verhoeven movie, and that, friends, sucks balls.

Yup. I'm getting a little concerned that, given his age and the painfully gradual rate of output over the past decade, that we may not see another Verhoeven movie, and that, friends, sucks balls.

Funny People was just a bloated, over long, pale retread of a James L. Brooks film, just like the last couple of James L. Brooks films…

Funny People was just a bloated, over long, pale retread of a James L. Brooks film, just like the last couple of James L. Brooks films…

Agreed, Bringing Out the Dead may not have made money, but it doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Gigli and Swept Away…

Agreed, Bringing Out the Dead may not have made money, but it doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Gigli and Swept Away…

Punisher: War Zone is a hundred times more entertaining than Taken.

Punisher: War Zone is a hundred times more entertaining than Taken.

How old was Maggie Grace meant to be in the first one? She looked 30, yet the role seemed to be written for a 14 year old…

How old was Maggie Grace meant to be in the first one? She looked 30, yet the role seemed to be written for a 14 year old…

People piss and moan about the state of movies nowadays, but Curly Sue is arguably still worse than, well, anything else mankind has produced…

People piss and moan about the state of movies nowadays, but Curly Sue is arguably still worse than, well, anything else mankind has produced…