Warren Perso

At least tell me there's no CGI blood this time. 

At least tell me there's no CGI blood this time. 

Harry's writing disgusts you? Picture him taking a shit.

Harry's writing disgusts you? Picture him taking a shit.

Ant Man shrinking down to really examine forensic evidence up close? Practical.

Ant Man shrinking down to really examine forensic evidence up close? Practical.

The Avengers completely bypassed my cynical, analytical side and gave me the most fun I had in a cinema in years. That Whedon is back, though hardly surprising, is still good news…

The Avengers completely bypassed my cynical, analytical side and gave me the most fun I had in a cinema in years. That Whedon is back, though hardly surprising, is still good news…

Mike Ferraro - naive, I know…

Mike Ferraro - naive, I know…

Australia is the new Mars. Get Quatto a Fosters!

Australia is the new Mars. Get Quatto a Fosters!

I thought after Fright Night, Conan and The Thing, remakes would be dead in the water. (Having sad that, I kinda liked the Fright Night remake)

I thought after Fright Night, Conan and The Thing, remakes would be dead in the water. (Having sad that, I kinda liked the Fright Night remake)

Did they really think they'd make a better movie than the original???

Did they really think they'd make a better movie than the original???

This is completely the wrong way round… if Verhoeven were to direct an Underworld movie, then I'd be interested. Possibly aroused, too.

This is completely the wrong way round… if Verhoeven were to direct an Underworld movie, then I'd be interested. Possibly aroused, too.

For all the flaws in Prometheus, and there are many, it was so beautiful to look at I ended up forgiving all…

I rank Die Another Day as worse, if only for the fact that in Golden Gun they did that amazing stunt in which the car corkscrews in mid air across the bridge, as opposed to cgi Bond 'surfing' a melting iceberg…