The Anachronist

You haven't met me. Or seen me. Or smelled me.

"Phone number"?

That's a tall order. You haven't met me.

The nice thing about pizza is it's still great the next morning.

You're on report. You can stay for now, but we'd better see at least a 30% increase in snark employed as a shield for your own crippling insecurity and self-loathing.

Photographers are rich in essential light meters,

It doesn't?!? DAMN IT.

"… that's why your robot never worked!"

He definitely doesn't. Marvel said so.

Kelsey "Pneumatic" Grammer bends steel with his bare hands.

Trump? At least Joe Francis isn't running for President… yet.

If you have photos of Anna Kendrick in the gym, please to be sharing them.

Oh, I liked that story quite a lot overall.

That's one of those things I try to forget about…

Look - the Doctor left the potential fate of the entire Earth up to planetary vote in "Day of the Moon", and then rolled with what ultimately resulted… I don't think he would trouble himself over this decision.

C'mon. They were probably lucky to get Tennant for five minutes and at a time when the show wasn't actually taping.

Somehow picturing Hillary ominously intoning "I AM CLIN-TON" works even better than with Bill.

Look, I'm hoping that a few debates will show not only Trump's ignorance of viable public and foreign policy but his WILLFUL ignorance of same, favor will tilt dramatically away from him, and some of us will be free to make our idealistic token gestures…

To be fair, I don't think that some of us Nader voters knew Bush II would be anything like THAT bad.

Well, their weapon is surprise… surprise and fe- TWO WEAPONS are surprise and fear and…