The Anachronist

That's a fantastic song. Thank you for reminding me of it. I'm off now to listen to Robert Preston sing it.


Yeah, the "Grease" one was good, and I've heard good things about "The Wiz" but not yet checked it out.

Right? Amazing. And so sexy.

I adore Chenoweth. Looking forward to this.

No mention of "Doctor Who"? The authors have failed as parents and as human beings.

Didn't John Cleese refer to him as a lizard or salamander in "The Great Muppet Caper"?

If your Earl Grey tastes like perfume you're buying the wrong Earl Grey.

I was so fascinated by the trailer that I longed to see the movie, but once I did I was severely disappointed.

Besides me, you mean?

To be fair, Kirk had no way of knowing how far in the future Picard was from.

"Nurse LeanBiAsianGuy, would you please assist me with this procedure?"

I appreciate this, WSP, but I know both comics and her well enough to suggest any or all of those if I thought they would work.

Right? I tried to tell her that.

I am reasonably certain she has never read a Neil Gaiman story.

I've had a long and varied career, haven't I?

Yeah - "Y" is on my shelf but she has no interest.

As previously mentioned, we have "Doctor Who" in common, so she works through one of those from time to time.

It's not a law, but this country's relatively free-market policies combined with the vigorous demand for the product have ensured that such a state has happily been obtained.

I won't apologize - that Ovaltine was HOT.