The Anachronist

"… this couple came up to me after the show, and they asked me if I was 'bi'. Well, I had studied a LITTLE Spanish in high school… not enough to really be called 'bi', but I didn't wanna look stupid so I said, 'Yeah, I'm bi.' And they said, well, we'd like you to come by after the show - we have some S&M people coming

"While high? No."

"What do you think about abortion?"

The Anachronist's Girlfriend doesn't like comics at all. What course of action do recommend?

It could be, if that's what you're into.

Me too - I have no idea why.

Sometimes it is.

… and he's also very handsome! In his own way!

I made a sort of Jackson Pollock on your mom's butt last night!

Thank goodness we have elevated beings like Megan Fox to show us to the light. ALL HAIL.

"Diary of a Chambermaid" sounds like sort of thing that could only be a parody of itself.

I mean, someone of your OWN age? Preposterous!

Ouch. Sorry. I'd think maybe you just got some soap in there or something except it's been a week and a half.

I thought avoiding intercourse out of boredom and/or revulsion was the time-honored method of birth control in most long-term relationships?

Strangest OK Cupid profile I've read yet.

"This Sure Ain't Mr. Bean XXX" was the worst parody porn ever.

Don't date twinks?!? Well who is he SUPPOSED to date, then?

I have mainly seen that as a bumper sticker, but I have seen a LOT of them.

Don't blame me - I voted for aioli!

Yeah, I don't get humiliation porn at all. I don't know if that makes me more psychologically healthy, or less.