The Anachronist

Say, where have you been when I've tried to get an Atlanta AVC meetup going?

Hey, guess what, Atlanta? Other cities have trees and it doesn't take a goddam hour to go 13 miles.

Well, "retrograde" is an astronomical phenomenon - the effect of the Earth's rotation making it look like a planet is going in the opposite direction to previous observations, if I remember my 9th Grade Earth Science. It's astrology that tries to give it special significance, though.

Live here with its traffic for three years and then tell me that.

Savannah and the Georgia coast in general are gorgeous.

Well, my home state asks, "Is Mercury in retrograde?", while my adopted state asks "Why are my nipples so sore?" I'm not sure which is sadder.

Man, your birthday parties are weird.

Ho yeah. Keep talkin'…

EVERYONE should wear capes more regularly.

Clark Kent had threesomes with other guys?

"Relationships aren't 'I get to do whatever I value the most and the other person/people can get with the program.'"

It wasn't dickish. :)

I'm really more of a cheddar man.

Thanks, Cookie. Have a snickerdoodle.

Ahaha… well building and sticking to a schedule is already a challenge for me!

I've come to y'all before about issues between me and The Anachronist's Girlfriend. (Summary - In our early 40s, together about 5 1/2 years, living together for 4, by FAR the longest relationship for both.)


Corner? There are whole neighborhoods of pornography none of us should explore.

You saw my video?

What KIND of cheese? This is important.