The Anachronist

Sadly, it is true.

After 5 1/2 years of a committed relationship and 4 years of living together, watching "30 Rock" alone on the couch for hours sounds like bliss.

I guess Dawkins would be for me one answer to the initial question. I think he's a brilliant scientist - his explications of the workings of evolution and why skepticism is important are thorough, elegant, and inspiring, and have contributed greatly to my current path… but DAMN he can be a big jerk about atheism.

[pedantic]Technically, the penis is not an organ - it's a secondary sex structure.[/pedantic]

I used to joke about being crazy, not realizing how messed up I really was, or how it was sabotaging my relationships.

If I'm invited and there's an open bar it's cool with me.

The meaning of life is to give life meaning.

A VERY different state, characterized among other things by non-Euclidean geometry and colors no human eye has ever seen before.

Hmmph! Then I'll take my "Doctor Who" erotic fanfiction elsewhere, thank you very much!

I'll take a crab juice.

How about just "aggravated"? "Aggravated" - the word from which "aggro" was inexplicably derived. Or, if you really wanna keep it brief, how about just "upset"?

"Animals wore other animal suits in the movie…"

Guess I missed the point, then.

Drinking beer is practically a direct line to sexly happenings with attractive people or so the ads tell me. And they can't lie, can they? Like, legally?

That's not really what anyone is getting… (eeuuugh) "aggro" about.

At least they're not humans with Tumblr nose, Charlie Brown.

Been there…

So… does the A.V. Club invite any OTHER comic artists to illustrate their pop cultural flights of fancy?

Looks like we gotta 'nother JOY-HATER here, folks!