The Anachronist

Even 15-year-old, Henson-loving Me said "Eeeeeeennnnnhhhh…

Ditto. But there are so many shows on now, it's inevitable that some slip under the radar.

First you get the herring, then you get the power, then you get the women.

"Cue the air cannons full of gritty soil… and… ACTION!"

Mmmm… I have a feeling that's EXACTLY how they want the movie to look.

"31 isn't exactly decaying."

Also, TV needs another cop show like the Oregon militia needs more dildos.

Is whatever's in your ass throbbing?

I can't imagine doing anything on the side… monogamy is enough work as it is!

Do I NEED an excuse for an interracial threesome?

Ooh, Waffles… you DO know what I like.

No! Still hot! Don't make MY mistake!!!

Not airing until Fall, huh? I guess I will…

Circus peanuts are awesome and for winners!

We can like two things.

Don't throw away your shot!

(Homer Simpson voice)

Comin' back, dammit!

Oh! Whatever shall I do to earn the money for the dowry upon such a lady?

Well, that's how most movies are made these days. Why not Internet TV?