The Anachronist


Sounds like he needs to focus on the neglected food groups…

(Adjusts tie, smooths eyebrows.)

It's no exaggeration to say that "Doctor Who" put me where I am today, working on a Master's (likely to be followed by a Doctorate) in anthropology. Along with "Star Trek" and other sci-fi, it fostered my interest in science, but also the figure of an intelligent, if flawed hero using his wits to make the Universe a

"… the mysteries and plot were completely relegated to the background in favour of psychoanalysis of Holmes and Watson and a dissection of their friendship"

This is one case (of many) of "PC" standing in for "actual thing that happens".

It's (surprisingly) pretty good.

Well it's not like we DESERVE it…

Lower… lower…

Sounds like a lot to deal with, Waffles. Hope things are looking up soon!

"Dear Dan - with the last glimmers of awareness in my brain, I can see my decapitated body bleeding onto the floor. Should I be concerned?"

Now, let's not make any hasty conclusions…

… making that "YIPE YIPE YIPE" cartoon dog sound, yes.

Have the Rolling Stones killed!

Count Dooku was a thing because he was played by Christopher Lee. who was amazing.

These people sound like a nightmare.

"For Your Photoreceptors Only"


"Ee, hit's a jolly 'oliday wi'you, Kylo Ren!"