The Anachronist

"Cantina Royale"

Yeah - I enjoyed the movie very much, but it hit so many notes we've heard before.

Here's some money - go see one.

In an uncaring Universe, infinite in space and time, is not ALL human endeavor ultimately pointless?

That would've just been the LATEST reason for you getting kicked out of Starbucks.

I meant the good kind of monster, thanks.

… I know you don't mean it.

I wish I could be saddled with an epithet as badass as "fuck monster".

I've known, and know, people who are exactly that awkward.

"Droid Functions Matter" doesn't have quite that same ring to it…


I worry for anyone who didn't see Harris-Perry's tongue firmly in her cheek during that discussion.

Empanadas, eh?

My AVC login didn't work… do I need a new one?

I haven't even heard of half of these. What the fuck is the Audience network?!?

Oooh… keeeeeeeeeeeeep talkin'…

(Navin Johnson voice) "All I need is THIS notepad… and THIS vibrator… and THIS Chihuly glass sculpture…)

I think we HAVE to.

Fruitisexuality is not "creepy" - it is a beautiful variant on the human sexual spectrum!

My hands were too full to type, if you take my meaning.