The Anachronist

We're ALL judging you, at all times. We just don't necessarily have header photos to show it.

Maybe you two should try a lubricant and/or slow down.

You need an excuse to put whiskey in your mouth while watching TV?

Hope all goes, well, Dik! Feel better!

(Spongebob appears, waggles eyebrows.)

Y'all are actually awake at that time? Damn my fragile body and its need for brain-cleansing, memory-sorting, protein-folding sleep!

Why did I not know about this?? And how is this different from what we might talk about at the TI?

Not rage - just mild disappointment. THIS IS HOLLYWOOD FILMMAKING NOW.

"… a set of seven Empire Strikes Back action figures sold exclusively in Canadian Sears stories in 1980…"

The "Heathers" musical actually came out?!?

I admit I only know a few of these, but agreed on that "Avenue Q" song - it's lovely.

Another suitcase in another haaaaaaall…
Take your picture of another waaaaall…

The Dryden has long had a wealth of events and guests for movie lovers. It's an amazing resource.

I was at that one too. Rochester native here.


Gamera vs. Guiron, Angel's Revenge, Girl in Gold Boots, Pod People, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians are right up there for me.

a wide-eyed wholesomeness that perseveres beyond all of its foul language, gratuitous nudity, and impalings

It impacted in Waukeegan - it was all over the news for a few hours.

Well, that was the complaining thread, right? We didn't go into the good stuff that keeps it all from being a dealbreaker.

I don't see Waits having the expansiveness or physical presence for Mr. Wednesday, but I would find… SOME role in this for him.