The Anachronist

Watch it, mac!

Lynda Carter as Diana Price is somehow hotter than Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman.


Kermit is best overall Muppet. NOW AND FOREVER.

I coulda had a Kristin Chenoweth doll?!?

"if you're gonna make a shitty movie, at least make a shitty movie with some wacky foam latex monsters in it"

I already jizzed myself a few times today. So, you know…

The vast majority? Almost assuredly not.

"… a servile and undelighted copulation"

If you wanna find Vixen, go looking for Blitzen.

Reindeer's eye, not like a human eye… cold and black, like a doll's eye…

Well, "The Wizard of Oz" DID lie… apple trees don't talk, monkeys don't fly, and scarecrows ONLY OCCASIONALLY sing and dance.

"Trilby and Capp, FBI" tested through the roof, but no network would touch it.

Hey - what that Sears catalog and I shared was beautiful.

You're right! In fact, I'm going to have some right now!

Well, all the beautiful people are already ON TV.

The tail of a Godzilla Shogun Warrior.

I'm 44 and I still don't!

… by the great Marlin Ray.

No, that was the party we had last week.